Our Story

How it Began
Karol had one child living in Toronto relying on public transit, one child living in Dublin, Ireland and flying internationally for work, and one child (TJ Wronski) & his girlfriend (Amelia Gundersen-Herman) living in Dubai. She feared what her children might be exposed to on their commutes, travels and visits home.
In the early stages of the pandemic Karol had the idea to create a product that would protect her children (and all people) from these unknown factors on public seats. Thus, helping to assuage their fears, and the fears of mothers everywhere.
TJ and Amelia agreed this was a product the world needed now more than ever! They quickly began to develop prototypes and founded Assuage.
As frequent travelers themselves, Amelia and TJ knew the importance of their products being…
Simple & Quick to Use
Convenient & Lightweight to Pack
Comfortable for Long Journeys
Versatile to Fit Most
Location, Location, Location
TJ is from Oakville, ON, Canada.
Amelia is from Mifflinburg, PA, USA.
They met as ex-pats working abroad in Dubai, United Arab Emirates.
This is why Assuage is registered & distributed in all 3 countries.
To Amelia & TJ the seat covers are a product of all 3 nations they call home.